
Join and Earn from Pi Network

1. के हो Pi Network भनेको ? यो आगामी 2021 March देखी आउन लागेको Pi डिजिटल पैसा अर्थात क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी सञ्चालनमा ल्याउने प्रोजेक्ट हो, जसको अहिले दोस्रो चरण चलिरहेको छ । यो हाम्रो हातमा रहेको मोबाईल बाटै कमाउन (Mining) सकिने पहिलो क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी हो । यो स्टान्फोर्ड युनिभर्सिटीका 3 जना PhD होल्डर क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी प्रोफेसरहरुको योजनामा सुरु भएको प्रोजेक्ट हो । यसमा अहिले लगभग 40 लाख मनिसहरु जोडीएका छन । 2. लगानी कति लाग्छ ? Pi Network बिल्कुलै नि:शुल्क हो र यसको App एन्ड्रोइडको Play Store र Apple को App Store बाट Install गरेर चलाऊन सकिन्छ । यसमा आफुले जत्ती कमाइ गरिन्छ सबै आफ्नै हो । 3. कसरी सुरु गर्ने ? यो Install गरिसके पछि आफ्नो फोन नं. वा फेसबुकको माध्यमबाट रेजिस्टर गर्नुहोस् । रेजिस्टर गर्दा आफ्नो नागरिकताको नाम राख्नु भएमा भविश्यमा KYC भर्दा सजिलो हुनेछ । यो प्रोजेक्ट जेन्युइन भएकोले बैंकहरुले जस्तै KYC गराउने छ । you can also download from browser using link: 4. के हो Invitation Code ? यो Network मा सबै जना एक अर्कामा जोडीनु पर्ने भएकोले कोही नयाँ


HACK FACEBOOK BY COOKIE STEALING Facebook Authentication Cookies The cookie which facebook uses to authenticate it's users is called "Datr", If an attacker can get hold of  your authentication cookies, All he needs to do is to inject those cookies in his browser and he will gain  access to your account. This is how a facebook authentication cookie looks like: Cookie: datr=1276721606-b7f94f977295759399293c5b0767618dc02111ede159a827030fc; How To Steal Facebook Session Cookies And Hijack An Account? An attacker can use variety of methods in order to steal your facebook authentication cookies depending upon  the network he is on, If an attacker is on a hub based network he would just sniff traffic with any packet  sniffer and gain access to victims account. If an attacker is on a Switch based network he would use an ARP Poisoning request to capture authentication  cookies, If an attacker is on a wireless network he just needs to use a simple tool called firesheep in order  to

Hack Website with sqlmap

Hack Website With "inurl adminlogin.asp" String First of all goto and search any one of the below dork in google and open that link.... inurl:adminlogin.asp inurl:admin_login.asp inurl:adminlogon.asp inurl:admin_logon.asp inurl:\\admin/admin_login.php inurl:/admin.asp inurl:/login.asp inurl:/logon.asp inurl:/adminlogin.asp inurl:/adminlogon.asp inurl:/admin_login.asp inurl:/admin_logon.asp inurl:/admin/admin.asp inurl:/admin/login.asp inurl:/admin/logon.asp inurl:/admin/adminlogin.asp inurl:/admin/adminlogon.asp inurl:/admin/admin_login.asp inurl:/admin/admin_logon.asp inurl:/administrator/admin.asp inurl:/administrator/login.asp inurl:/administrator/logon.asp inurl:root/login.asp inurl:admin/index.asp Click On Search Button. Then click on website URL. when its open there will be space for entering USER NAME OR PASWORD then in USERNAME box enter or Type Admin and in PASSWORD Type any one of the below code : admin'-- 1'or'1'='1 


According to the cyber security export , Phishing can be defined as the "Phishing is a cyber crime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. Phishing is a tool used to grab others personal information,important data and credential to harm or take advantage. The term " phishing " is said to have been coined by the well known spammer and hacker in the mid-90s, Khan C Smith. The term “ phishing ” came about in the mid-1990s, when hackers began using fraudulent emails to “fish for” information from unsuspecting users.

How to block internet to other in wifi?

To block Internet to the user in Wifi through mac, you have to follow these steps properly. First you should type I.P address of the router (default: and login with the credential given in the back side of router). Your login panel looks as below: Admin login panel If you don't know the credential then you can try: Username as: AdminGPON password as: ALC#FGU After you login into you router,you will see the page as below: Then you should click on the home networking and scroll down up to local network to know who are connected to your WiFi network then copy hardware address(mac address) of the user who you want to block Then again look and click at the security and click on MAC filter Here, you should enable the MAC filter. In MAC Filter Mode you will see default as allow, you should click over there and select blocked and add or paste the mac address you copied  and click on add. Then the mac will be blocked and will will see the list below of the mac you blocked. Not

How to jailbreak iphone to bypass Icloud activation lock or for other reasons

To jailbreak your apple phone for bypass Icloud activation lock or for other reasons. You have to follow some of the step.  First you have to download and install checkra1n from the the official website:( ). Note: You should download checkra1n for your own platform (like:Mac O.S ,  kali linux, Ubuntu e.t.c). It's only work for iOS 12.3 to 13.4.1 Open checkra1n (For linux O.S :  Go inside the file where it is located then type command: sudo checkra1n and it will be opened.) After the successfully open of checkra1n. Connect your Iphone to the computer which you want to jailbreak .Then, This will be shown tap to start and get started then tap to next and your phone will enter in the recovery mode and again tap to next Tap to start and then follow the every instruction given over there If you follow the given instruction properly then you phone will enter in to the DFU mode and start jailbreaking your phone and  PC  you will be showing these things:

How to know own number in NTC, Ncell and Smart Cell

To  see own phone number in ncell: First, you got to dail Then, type *903# and call Then your phone number will be shown To see own number in Namaste: First, you got to dail Then, type *9# and call Then your phone number will be show Note:  It is only valid for GSM numbers. There is no such method in CDMA .  To see own phone number in Smart Cell:  First, you got to dail Then, type *134# and call Then your phone number will be shown   Note: You should dail with same Sim Card.